Wednesday, January 30, 2008

An Understanding Heart



An Understanding Heart

I once heard tell that to have a child is to decide forever to have Your heart walking1 around outside vour bodv.


Her baby sleeps.

She watches with amazement.

The calm, quiet, consistent breathing

Her heart lies there.


And her baby grows.

She watches with excitement.

The first wobbly steps towards walking

Her heart toddles off.


And her toddler grows.

She watches with anxiousness.

The very first day of schooling

Her heart enters nervously.


And her child grows.

She listens with frustration.

Many days of arguments

The first accusations: "But you just don't understand."

She thinks, "But one day you will."

Her heart moves away angrily.


And her daughter marries.

She watches with nostalgia

The first moments of a new journeying

Her heart separates uncertainly.


And the wife grows.

She assists with happiness

Her first days of grandmothering

Her heart doubles magically.


My baby sleeps.

I watch with awe.

My first steps of understanding

My heart lies there.


Wilson © 2004

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