Sunday, January 30, 2011

When to Read

Every time I assign this book, I have at least one student come back the next day and inform me that his/her mother/father "hated that book".  I will concede that it is a dark read, but also an educating read, eye-opening read, thought provoking read.  As I begin this novel for the umpteeth time, I am still awed by the diction, imagery, and symbolism of Golding.  The story unsettles my spirit each time I peruse it, but maybe our spirits are a little too settled, a little too often.

The Gift of Fear

I love reading books that alter how I live - ok, I love reading books - but especially when they can be life changing. THE GIFT of FEAR by Gavin deBecker is just one of those books!

One comment reads: "True fear is a gift. Unwarranted fear is a curse. Learn to tell the difference." And a difference there truly is. I find myself looking at the world, people, actions, and attitudes surrounding me in a much different light. A much more positive and educated light.