Monday, July 16, 2007

A Child's Lessons

You entered my world (was there ever life before you?), and I reveled in the knowledge that I would be able to spend the next eighteen years teaching you about the wonders of life.

Yet, as you grasped my heart – became my heart – I learned what it means to love unconditionally, and the realization settled in that I would not be the one teaching, but learning. And what a phenomenal instructor you have turned out to be.

Through your innocence, I learned about pure love;
Through your helplessness, awesome responsibility;
Through your eyes, true beauty;
Through your mistakes, much patience;
Through your questioning, genuine thought.

Through your frustrations, I learned I can’t fix everything
And the pain that comes in allowing you to falter in order for you to stand.

Through your kindness, I learned about true caring;
Through your love, about myself;
Through your sadness, empathy-
I shared your pain, would have taken it from you, but then you wouldn’t be you.

Through your happiness, I experienced pure joy;
Your laughter is one of the most beautiful songs I will ever hear.

Through your coming, I learned about life,
And through your going, I learn to do the impossible – letting go while holding on!

I know that you will continue to teach me as you continue to mature into the beautiful young woman you are becoming. Know that your dad and I are so very proud of you – not for all of the awards and accomplishments – but for the caring, Christian heart you engender daily and the difference you have made and will continue to make in our lives and the lives of others.

My prayer for you is that you will move forward with the grace and confidence you have embodied in the past and that the Lord will keep you close as you embark on the next leg of life’s journey.
wilson (c) 2007


  1. Well that was quite interesting.
    Considering I have dial up internet and sat through the entire slide show....well that should tell you what a good friend I am....even though there was just a single flash of me in your slide show..... :>
    I haven't read the story yet....
    maybe later when I am really bored, I mean realy bored. by the way...ditch the insects on your slide show...they are annoying...
    ha ha

    i am having fun writing on your page. kristi says hi...

  2. OK - so check out the new slide show - think you are very well represented in it. :)

  3. Followed your advice, hope this gets to you
