Why do we have to be ruled by our emotions?
Why are emotions so fickle?
Maybe vulcans have it right.
My emotions by affecting me – affects others.
I realize this logically, but ironically, it is those very emotions that keep me from acting on such logic.
Emotions run deep and can cause such conflicts. They continually get us in trouble as they trample our logic and speed haphazardly ahead to our downfall.
"Wait! Stop!" screams our logic, but the emotions stumble on, tripping and falling yet moving continually forward.
How do we tame them? How do we keep them in check?
Yet, there's the rub. Keeping emotions in check equals keeping them pent up inside. Keeping them pent up inside equals stress and physical maladies.
So the more difficult question is how to let the emotions out effectively keeping them bottled up until such outlet can be gained.
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."
Emotions make us human. Define us as individuals; allow us to experience some of the most jouful and intense moments of our lives.
Maybe it is vital that we experience such negative emotions in order to make the positive ones much more powerful.
But the eternal question will always remain how to balance emotional reactions with logical thought. To force ourselves to stop in a heated moment and again only when logic has had a chance to speak as well.
Such coupling will forever remain a task, easier for some, but a task all the same. But in order to experience the beautiful, life-changing, exciting moments, it is a task that is well worth the struggle.
When emotions trample my logic and stifle my productivity, logic must be allowed to stand up, wipe itself off, and take a breath.
It is a balancing act in need of a practiced acrobat.